Runaway schoolgirl Red is lured into a Soho world awash with strip clubs, gangsters, porn shops and bent coppers. Landing a job in the nightclub empire run by former stripper Blaize and her porn king husband Jack, her world is soon turned upside down by a sequence of tragic events.
As she begins searching for answers, her inquisitive nature comes to the notice of some powerful enemies who thrive in London’s dark underbelly and will do anything to keep their unlawful activities under wraps.
Closing in on the truth, Red is about to make the shocking discovery that her new life is inextricably linked with the past she is so desperate to leave behind.
NICK RIPPINGTON is an author from London UK who writes hard-boiled gangster fiction and gritty psychological thrillers with twists and turns galore
EMAIL NICK at: nickripp@theripperfile.com
Tel: 07812136083 (+44 and drop 0 when outside UK)